I guess it all started because I’m a daydreamer. I graduated in graphic design but deep inside I knew that a conventional career, drawing other people dreams, was not my path. I needed something more creative and colorful since I couldn’t help to have my dreams always filled with small characters bursting to get alive.
Illustrated books also had a great influence in what I do today. I love illustration and children storybooks since I was a little kid. My house is completely filled with books: I have the precious ones from my childhood (thank’s mom & dad for keeping them!) but also many others I can’t help buying from vintage shops and antique fairs.
At some point my love for illustration meet my academic background and I started sketching and scribbling my own characters. First there were cats and dogs, wolfs and sheeps, then many other little character dolls with stories and personalities of their own. One day (daydreaming again!) I thought: “It would be really nice if I could grab and hold my draws in my own hands”. I picked fabrics with colorful patterns and turned my characters into real! That’s how my plush toys were born to life! Deep down, I think I always had a secret desire of changing the way the world looked, by adding a little color and fun! ;)

My work is the result of my passion about good design and illustration.
I want to produce things that children can play and cuddle and will mean something special in their childhood. The kind of pieces mothers will keep in a trunk for later on. And quality illustrated products that can be used and appreciated for a long time!

My brand – PinkNounou – offers a range of unique handmade illustrated products, for you, your home, to play with!

{ watercolors & other paintings, art prints, block prints, paper cuts, notebooks, bookmarks, printables, statment jewelry, bags, pouches, soft toys, dolls, pillows, bibs, rattles }

PinkNounou products are designed by me* Ana Carriço –  illustrator and graphic designer.
All the pieces are made in Portugal with great care and high quality materials.


PinkNounou’s shop

My softies – dog Ernesto, sheep Laura and doll Estefania – are on this lovely book WE MAKE DOLLS by Jenny Doh.

You can also see my little rabbit Simao on this beautiful OREO spot – “Bedtime”.

My work as been featured on:

. Kinderkamer Stylist
KID independent
Kinderkamer Stylist
Mollie Makes magazine – issue 32
KID independent
. Ammiki
. Paul&Paula
. Your Style Fix
. Knippie magazine
. Down That Little Lane
. Studio Bambini magazine
. Ebabee
. Etsy kids
. Girls talk to boys – christmas kids gift guide
. Style my child
. All Abroad Baby – your world
. Babiekins magazine
Style Collective blog
Likeness of Dreams
Rafa Kids
Imaginative Bloom
Trend Alert
The Lisbon Stores
BKids 2011 Gift Guide
. Mollie Makes magazine – issue 6
All Abroad Baby
A Place for Twiggs
Babyccino Kids
Vidas Crafty
Craft Gossip
Mom Stories – Bloesem Kids
KID independent
Cafe Handmade
. Etsy Gift Guide for Children
Sew, Mama, Sew!
Bloesem Kids
Bloesem Kids

I hope you enjoy my creations as much as I enjoy making them!
Thanks for stopping by!


Acho que tudo começou porque sou uma sonhadora. Tirei o curso de design gráfico, mas no fundo sabia que uma carreira convencional, a “desenhar” os sonhos das outras pessoas, não era o meu caminho. Precisava de algo mais criativo já que os meus sonhos estavam sempre preenchidos por pequenas personagens coloridas.
Os livros de histórias infantis também tiveram uma grande influência no que faço hoje. A minha casa está repleta de livros: desde os preciosos da minha infância (obrigada mãe e pai por os terem guardado!). Aos que continuo, actualmente a comprar em lojas e feiras de antiguidades.
A determinado momento comecei a desenhar e rabiscar os meus próprios personagens. Primeiro haviam gatos e cães, lobos e ovelhas, de seguida, muitos outros foram surgindo com histórias e personalidades próprias. Um dia (sonhando novamente…) pensei: “- Seria muito bom se eu pudesse ter as minhas personagens de forma mais palpável?!” Comecei a escolher tecidos e experimentar moldes e assim nasceram os meus primeiros bonecos.

O meu trabalho é o resultado da minha paixão por design e ilustração.
Quero produzir peças que as crianças possam brincar e abraçar e que tenham um significado algo especial na sua infância. O tipo de coisas que as mães guardem para mais tarde…
E também produtos ilustrados de qualidade, que podem ser usados e apreciados durante muito tempo!

A minha marca – PinkNounou – oferece uma gama de produtos exclusivos ilustrados à mão, para si, a sua casa, ou para brincar!

{ aguarelas e outras pinturas, posters, block prints, recortes em papel, cadernos, marcadores, bijuteria, sacos, bolsas, bonecos, almofadas, babetes e rocas }

Os produtos PinkNounou são criados por mim* Ana Carriço – ilustradora e designer gráfica.
Todas as peças são produzidas em Portugal com muita atenção aos pequenos pormenores e à qualidade dos materiais.

A loja PinkNounou